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Badaling great wall

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7.6 kilometers. Overview: The Badaling Great Wall is a significant pass section of Ming-dynasty fortification and is famous for its precipitous and magnificent landscapes. Total length: 7.6 kilometers, and only 3.74 kilometers with 16 watchtowers have been restored and opened to visitors.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(uPn-ZqjFGJ63wPAP_-HwoQM__202,
Literally meaning reach eight directions (八达岭), Badaling Great Wall was named for the maze of its ridges stretching in all directions, facing the enemy from far away. Indeed, this part of the building was known as one of the most strategic key point to entering the Imperial city of Beijing from its North Gate.
27.9 feet. It has a length of 3,741 meters (2.3 miles) and it is equipped with dense watchtowers. The wall is about 8.5 meters (27.9 feet) high and slopes inward as it rises in height.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(uPn-ZqjFGJ63wPAP_-HwoQM__216,
Badaling Great Wall is very popular among both domestic and foreign travelers because it is not only can be reached from Beijing easily, but also the best representative section of all Great Wall of China. It used to play a significant role in ancient Chinese history.

Visit the Badaling Great Wall of China | The Planet D | China Vlog

The Badaling Great Wall is the busiest section of the Great Wall of China with the most tourists and crowds. But it is the closest...

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